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スコア: 8.63
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種類 Player » Damnit
Date Submitted 2013-12-02 20:32:02
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コメント (5)
Phoenix.Damnit[Report] スコア: 8
:) thank you
I actually just submitted it just a couple minutes ago, so we will see if my name will keep it from being approved
2013-12-02 20:52:20
Shiva.Siviard[Report] スコア: 5
I don't know about you guys, but I think his name is epic! How he hasn't been reported to a GM yet by some neo-conservative douchebag is beyond my comprehension.

And grats on the 119 Nirvana. Just don't pull a Cobain.
2013-12-03 22:11:57
Phoenix.Innina[Report] スコア: 4
Congrats, fellow Summoner! :)
2013-12-02 22:47:36
Odin.Cett[Report] スコア: 1
You may now embark on the same journey as every one of your other Nirvana 119 brother and sisters.... Obtain all Hagondes Piece with PET MAB +25 augments or be gimp!
2013-12-06 02:30:59
Sylph.Sylfeya[Report] スコア: -1
Your questionable taste in character name (probably the thing keeping your picture pending approval) aside, congrats on ilvl Nirvana!
2013-12-02 20:51:16