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1st Relic taken to 99, it took 4 years to even get it to 75 so I'm pretty happy I was finally able to take it to 99! Let's hope November update makes it worthwhile!
スコア: 8.14
Votes: 65
種類 Player » Oldmancebi
タグ Excalibur Red Mage Oldmancebi
Date Submitted 2013-10-31 03:32:58
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コメント (10)
Cerberus.Drayco[Report] スコア: 9
Most awesome sword in the game. You'll be amazed at the difference between 95-99
2013-10-31 07:46:20
Carbuncle.Taye[Report] スコア: 7
I remember when my great axe's only had 73 dmg
2013-10-31 20:10:38
Sylph.Guebotermico[Report] スコア: 6
2013-10-31 10:31:10
Bismarck.Dew[Report] スコア: 5
Congrats on 99! Best weapon in the game. Never go wrong with Excalibur no matter what haters say.
2013-10-31 20:53:45
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] スコア: 3
Congrats man
2013-10-31 09:35:39
Asura.Thebatman[Report] スコア: 3
DMG: 73 Delay: 233 Attack+40 "Knights of Round" Additional effect: Damage varies with HP

DMG: 121 Delay: 233 Attack+60 Accuracy+20 "Knights of Round" Additional effect: Damage varies with HP

Before they added skill to the weapons this was their example of the upgraded weapons. 9 less damage than Buramenk'ah and 7 less delay and you get the additional/hidden effects. congrats as long as they put 242 skill on it you will probably have the best sword in the game
2013-10-31 16:58:49
Asura.Marivell[Report] スコア: 3
congratulations! and a huge brrrrrrrrrrravo for never giving up even after the adoulin mess and all the ragequit. :)
2013-11-02 09:28:31
Cerberus.Cruxus[Report] スコア: 2
Grats on bumping it up to 99, I really hope SE makes the jump from nq 99 to ilvl 119 as spiffy as all RME's should be.
2013-10-31 14:28:12
Phoenix.Hotaruu[Report] スコア: 1
Why do people downvote people who are congratulating someone?

Congratulations, must've been hard working that thing all the way to 99 O_O
2013-10-31 17:23:49
Quetzalcoatl.Stylesz[Report] スコア: 0
Grats, excal should be a beast when it gets updated.
2013-10-31 12:11:21