Geomancer: Day 3. I have capped my skills of a level 53 GEO and then decided to go into aby to level to 99 while skilling up. I am onward to my ways of a Life time GEO in Delve runs.
Good job Jirachi! I too capped my GEO skill without the use of bots or scripts. Abyssea Uleguerand worms with some Refresh atmas will get you almost to the cap. To get fully capped, there are some worms in Dho Gates on the way to Marjami Ravine that you can use to get GEO skills capped.
Indeed i used a script to level some skills in my geo, but wasting a full night and a stack of bew pitari for 10 levels seemed so stupid that i stopped that ***and just grabbed some worms in doh gates to go from 250 to cap in like 6 or 7 hours. In the end, its more mboring but a lot more faster.
Spending one night to cap is better (imo) than waiting a week or more till your geo is ready (aside wasting like 600k in food).