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Bane's a BLM?
スコア: 3.09
Votes: 45
種類 Item » Bane Cape
タグ Bane Cape
Date Submitted 2013-08-07 15:08:48
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コメント (6)
Fenrir.Boomslang[Report] スコア: 34
Oh, you think FFXIVARR benchmarks are your ally, but you merely adopted the benchmark.. II was born in it, molded by it. I didn’t see the end of Kinglynch's shitty screen caps until I was already a man
2013-08-07 22:16:03
Cerberus.Avann[Report] スコア: 7
Do you feel in charge?
2013-08-07 22:16:07
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] スコア: 7
Kicks Batman's *** twice. Gets killed by Catwoman.
2013-08-08 04:14:49
Bismarck.Magnuss[Report] スコア: 4
After Meteor is cast, you have my permission to die.
2013-08-08 06:55:57
Cerberus.Finalflash[Report] スコア: 1
And this gives you power over me...?
2013-08-09 08:52:27
Asura.Kinglynch 表示 スコア: -21
it's funny how you are butt hurt over screenshots Boomslang i been on a 11 for a long time and on the ah and i have never got butt hurt over someone posting screenshots whats really going on with you dude you need a hug or something
2013-08-08 08:39:27