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Gulool Ja Ja trio mijin gakure for the kill xD fight took 29min on just nin hitting it
スコア: 2.21
Votes: 42
種類 Player » Acey
タグ Acey Goes Boom
Date Submitted 2013-07-07 22:41:10
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コメント (6)
Ragnarok.Matriel[Report] スコア: 37
Would die quicker if you didn't use a damn twilight knife i imagine.
2013-07-08 03:27:38
Valefor.Sehachan[Report] スコア: 5
Greatest accomplishment is not beating Gulool, but actually finding him! The *** is never there.
2013-07-08 11:01:58
Quetzalcoatl.Moonsshadow[Report] スコア: 3
You have 22 emails and 3 unread messages by the way.
2013-07-08 11:10:16
Bahamut.Bethune[Report] スコア: -4
Lots of emails generally means they don't know their POL email password. Friends account, bought account, stolen account, just lost their info to reset it, or a combination of the above~
2013-07-08 14:20:10
Carbuncle.Hexxes 表示 スコア: -16
Gota love a fake GM.
2013-07-08 04:06:45
Fenrir.Acey 表示 スコア: -28
Don't diss twilight knife lol
2013-07-08 07:53:50