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seriously, you are mana burning the healers for no good reason
スコア: 8.58
Votes: 122
種類 Player » Eidee
Date Submitted 2013-05-25 07:39:39
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コメント (8)
Cerberus.Deadplaything[Report] スコア: 19
always a *** mantis bro.
2013-05-25 15:14:03
Phoenix.Kojo[Report] スコア: 1
First two times I did Delve, I just assumed a Mantis always spawned to attack you after you exited...
2013-05-25 15:19:49
Cerberus.Detzu[Report] スコア: 1
Mantis is the best mob to agro before Delve farm, it's always funny to see people falling on the floor one after the other.
2013-05-25 15:51:35
Quetzalcoatl.Aryiah[Report] スコア: -1
lmao this is great. i also love it when ppl die and expect a raise, making the group wait 5mins instead of hp'ing and taking the waypoint back, agro is hard
2013-05-25 18:19:13
Bahamut.Voevode[Report] スコア: -1
That mantis bio....
2013-05-25 22:14:50
Ragnarok.Eriina[Report] スコア: -1
Best way a leader can avoid members aggro ing the mantis is to tell them to gather in Morimar and stop wasting their time with Ceizak runs....
2013-05-26 16:49:06
Cerberus.Texasprincess[Report] スコア: -3
this is great you get a 10!
2013-05-25 13:24:29
Odin.Machorz 表示 スコア: -15
10 for pic......but 1 for butthurt...seriously your healer are galkas with 300MP?
2013-05-25 14:21:04