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スコア: 8.91
Votes: 115
種類 Player » Orjan
Date Submitted 2013-03-20 08:58:18
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コメント (11)
Bahamut.Mrscoot[Report] スコア: 20
they can spell how ever they want, still hott.
2013-03-20 11:55:41
Leviathan.Matteh[Report] スコア: 17
I so lol'd. this shyt gets a TEEEN XD LOL
2013-03-20 14:25:57
Bahamut.Bekisa[Report] スコア: 13
still did better than some native English people I've met, for it not being their native language!
2013-03-20 12:21:04
Cerberus.Thetom[Report] スコア: 8
Whats the hamburger helper doing there?
2013-03-21 05:35:33
Bahamut.Scaevola[Report] スコア: 5
morning musume is the most conceptually terrifying thing like ever

bill cosby's "kids say the darndest things (and have such smooth skin)"
2013-03-20 15:19:24
Gilgamesh.Sparkee[Report] スコア: 3
2013-03-20 15:24:14
Asura.Subzorro[Report] スコア: -6
The middle one, already did it!
2013-03-20 12:57:23
Siren.Stunx[Report] スコア: -6

we can only hope~
2013-03-21 00:12:43
Odin.Clubber[Report] スコア: -8
mai waifu!
2013-03-20 15:56:27
Asura.Planet 表示 スコア: -12
wrd, bekisa cuz sume nigs be lke talkn all hood n shzt n we b all on it llke yo wat he be sayn n shzt but den dat ova dude dat be logn n sometimes on da regula have 2 explain wtf da 1st dude be talkn bout. shzt tuff man its like wildwild west n dess steerts son.
2013-03-20 21:13:49