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Dude!! I always thought that was a nose!
スコア: 6.61
Votes: 54
種類 User » Catharsis
タグ Fish, Pugils, Noses, Tarus, PeePee
Date Submitted 2012-11-06 22:07:26
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コメント (15)
Bahamut.Itze[Report] スコア: 17
Well ***, they look *** creepier now.
2012-11-07 01:12:50
Lakshmi.Despereaux[Report] スコア: 11
Not as scary as fighting a armored goblin/moblin and seeing that dent in the crotch. Lets me know what they plan to do to me if they kill me...
2012-11-07 02:51:39
Fenrir.Othilda[Report] スコア: 9
Yeah took me a couple years to notice that too.

If you find that interesting...look at the messed position they put Wivre's eyes in too lol!
2012-11-07 00:03:59
Asura.Hotsoups[Report] スコア: 5
I've had plenty of moments like this one in this game.

Omg Pugils have eyes on their nose?!
Omg Lizards have arms?!
Omg Mandies wear coats?!
Omg Saplings have mouths?!
Omg Raptors have wings?!
2012-11-07 14:12:52
Leviathan.Catnipthief[Report] スコア: 4

I never thought to look at them closely until now rofl...
2012-11-07 06:51:16
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] スコア: 2
Never noticed lol
2012-11-07 11:40:12
Ragnarok.Dohati[Report] スコア: 1
and you ever notice beetles have 1 backwards foot? :o
2012-11-07 03:20:10
Sylph.Melons[Report] スコア: 0
Feed the fish more DDT!
2012-11-07 19:41:26
Odin.Luso[Report] スコア: 0
Yeah, this took me a while to realize myself ~ !
2012-11-07 09:15:29
Bismarck.Magnuss[Report] スコア: 0
Uhhhh... why is one of the tags "PeePee"?
2012-11-07 10:24:34