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Hit a new record on Barrage, I realize Qilin is lol, but still.
スコア: 6.85
Votes: 62
種類 Player » Wakmidget
Date Submitted 2012-10-09 13:46:53
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コメント (10)
Fenrir.Mtmoogle[Report] スコア: 53
WTF would it take to please people on this god damn website?
2012-10-09 17:53:21
Quetzalcoatl.Kenrusai[Report] スコア: 8

This is probably a crit'ed (+dead aim) barrage aswell as relic proc
on all hits. Normal crits are easily doing around that much.
2012-10-10 07:59:20
Ragnarok.Matix[Report] スコア: 7
"how come Matix isnt on this post rating it up?" I did rate this up, hours before you came along with your silly comment.
2012-10-09 23:43:14
Leviathan.Brotherhood[Report] スコア: 5
6k is nice, 10k is Hot damn, 15k is HOLY FUK, and well you just made it into "Tell me what buffs you had so I can try to beat you" Good Job.
2012-10-09 18:37:18
Quetzalcoatl.Wakmidget[Report] スコア: 3
I don't have any barrage + gear. Buffs were chaos/ minuet/rcb/and vw buffs. Qilin is 90 content though.
2012-10-09 18:59:12
Carbuncle.Sanders[Report] スコア: 0
@Mtmoogle For *** sake... this.
2012-10-11 14:21:18
Fenrir.Richybear[Report] スコア: 0
If it was 16272 damage then it would be ultra impressive
2024-06-06 01:20:54
Quetzalcoatl.Coder[Report] スコア: -1
This would be 20k if you had gun, lolbow
2012-10-11 07:52:03
Lakshmi.Missdivine 表示 スコア: -10
the font on those numbers looks strange
2012-10-09 21:45:11
Quetzalcoatl.Elysien 表示 スコア: -32
***sucks. should've done gun. gg
2012-10-09 16:06:15