It's when you leave friends in this game you understand really what they gave to you, no matter the number of hours i spent with you guys, i have no regrets ^0^ (and maybe see you soon? :3)
People who downrate this or troll it probably don't have too many friends if any on this game. Maybe they would understand this nice gesture if they were not so selfish. :3
Friends are the only reason to play this, otherwise play a single player game!
That's true, write goodbye, let a message, it's maybe a simplest way, but i'm never happy with how i say "goodbye", always think i could have said something else... ^^ but drawing is my personal best way to comunicate my feeling, because i remembered everyone while drawn them, and so i'm happy with how it came, thanks to person who understand, i'm touched if you are too
and i understand if you don't like, sorry for the barfmoment front of my overdramatic goodbye .w.