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Apocalypse Completed! Big thanks to Rheaa and Lecia for the Dynamis runs, and Lecia for the loan. Thank you Flippea as well for all the moral support through the drama of getting it done.
スコア: 4.58
Votes: 26
種類 Player » Vishna
タグ FFXI Apocalypse Relic Asura
Date Submitted 2012-09-10 23:22:21
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コメント (3)
Bahamut.Scaevola[Report] スコア: 0

I don't know why people dog on Apoc so much now; Rag's more damage, sure, but Apoc definitely opens up options DRK straight-up does not have otherwise.
2012-09-11 15:50:53
Bahamut.Bekisa[Report] スコア: -2
Congrats! Apoc is still one of my favorite relics and here's to hoping SE fixes up scythe weapon skills in the future ^^/
2012-09-11 14:09:40
Asura.Lecia[Report] スコア: -2
Congrats! Was a long up and down battle to getting that weapon but finally its done! Now to go get some killing blows to level it up to 95! lol
2012-09-11 21:43:33