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スコア: 8.84
Votes: 127
種類 Player » Sirlarson
Date Submitted 2012-09-06 17:09:50
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コメント (15)
Quetzalcoatl.Buckeyespud[Report] スコア: 21
much more interesting then a bunch of plates or china dolls.
2012-09-06 17:33:24
Bismarck.Danz[Report] スコア: 11
you make SE very happy
2012-09-06 18:02:02
Leviathan.Trixter[Report] スコア: 8
<- my expression
2012-09-06 19:15:34
Quetzalcoatl.Lucifel[Report] スコア: 7
I just got really horny.
2012-09-06 21:20:40
Carbuncle.Zeota[Report] スコア: 4
Nice collection you got there.
2012-09-06 18:12:17
Lakshmi.Tyrantdre[Report] スコア: 1
nice collection.
2012-09-07 00:23:12
Odin.Godofgods[Report] スコア: 1
where did you get all those figures?
2012-09-07 11:02:44
Lakshmi.Takumaru[Report] スコア: 1
Not bad but where are the SNES and PSX!
2012-09-07 12:17:35
Quetzalcoatl.Sirtwitchalot[Report] スコア: 0
I*** in my pants.
2012-09-07 17:13:23
Bismarck.Greezy[Report] スコア: 0
impressive, but playstation onry??? a true jedi operates many consoles. the FF3(FF6) snes version is worth a pretty penny now. same for FF1 (NES). visit your vintage console stores around town for a glimpse. still, nice collection.
2012-09-07 19:06:29