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I know these things are obsolete and I am sure I'll be hearing some Trololoin about: "meleewhmlol" but I just like to collect rare stuff. :3 Just excited that I finally got my Sea Wolf Cudgel to go with my Robbers. Hooray! :D
スコア: 8.33
Votes: 36
種類 Player » Dierdreh
タグ Sea Robber Cudgel Seawolf Cudgel
Date Submitted 2012-09-03 17:03:32
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コメント (6)
Odin.Drgg[Report] スコア: 12
Welcome to the Whinja club. :D
2012-09-03 23:44:37
Odin.Duvemora[Report] スコア: 11
Melee WHM FTW. And I'm the same way, I collect rare/ex, rare, etc no matter how useless or obsolete it is. So congrats. :)
2012-09-03 19:56:33
Asura.Bluespoons[Report] スコア: 7
I was so excited to get my Robbers but I just can't get the Sea Wolf! Pretty jelly, grats!
2012-09-03 21:13:27
Ragnarok.Foxylady[Report] スコア: 6
where did you get that face dat ??
2012-09-04 07:52:06
Fenrir.Dierdreh[Report] スコア: 3
If anyone wants the face dat please pm me with your email address and I'd be happy to package it up for you. It has several hair and eye color combos. :3
2012-09-04 13:12:31
Fenrir.Camaroz[Report] スコア: 2
Congrats and enjoy no more ship rides!
2012-09-04 10:57:23