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スコア: 8.57
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種類 Player » Franchise
Date Submitted 2012-08-24 00:46:25
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コメント (15)
Ramuh.Scizor[Report] スコア: 27
Has your Xbox got teeth...?
2012-08-24 04:44:32
Bismarck.Franchise[Report] スコア: 20
This was a sad day. Happened inside my xbox
2012-08-24 00:47:39
Fenrir.Camiie[Report] スコア: 19
Don't forget your friends, family, work, etc. or your Xbox will eat your disc. Now that's a disclaimer with teeth!
2012-08-24 09:37:09
Odin.Godofgods[Report] スコア: 10
how the heck did an xbox do that? I just assumed the guy got pissed or something and broke it.
2012-08-24 10:46:32
Odin.Blazza[Report] スコア: 6
Was expecting /ragequit comments.
2012-08-24 09:07:44
Odin.Brozzzz[Report] スコア: 5
I see someone picked up ffxi for pc finally.
2012-08-24 12:38:12
Fenrir.Richybear[Report] スコア: 4
.. it all began with a scratch, or so the legend goes...
2012-08-24 21:23:00
Carbuncle.Cardinalgate[Report] スコア: 3
how in gods name did a xbox do this srsly i would like to know b4 i unbox mine >_>
2012-08-24 11:12:42
Ragnarok.Twinbladehaseo[Report] スコア: 1
I know how besieged is, but shouldn't break it.
2012-08-24 15:26:54
Bismarck.Ruizutatakau[Report] スコア: 1
XBOX Dentata
2012-08-24 18:21:16