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スコア: 4.91
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種類 Player » Dimi
Date Submitted 2012-04-16 20:16:22
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コメント (8)
Ragnarok.Nemesio[Report] スコア: 15
Looks legit.
2012-04-16 21:18:28
Carbuncle.Dimi[Report] スコア: 8
How is this trolling? Is it because of the earring?
2012-04-16 23:32:39
Lakshmi.Rearden[Report] スコア: 7
It's not a real JP Ukon set without a regain earring anyway.
2012-04-16 21:35:06
Ragnarok.Agerknux[Report] スコア: 7
WTF First off /whm is the better sub for haste and self cures. Second waist should be a warwolf belt because str is good for war. Third why no sattva ring you'll die fast without it.
2012-04-17 05:08:59
Carbuncle.Pwnzone[Report] スコア: 6
I hope thats a swift belt, or else the whole build is ruined..
2012-04-17 05:56:20
Fenrir.Flamm[Report] スコア: 2
Thug life
2012-04-16 23:23:54
Carbuncle.Scizakas[Report] スコア: -2
Dimi, I know for a FACT that you thought that was his actual gear, just like Konvict does. He knows you so well that he is able to make these types of calls about you.
2012-04-16 23:28:19
Lakshmi.Konvict[Report] スコア: -7
Maje is obviously trolling, not sure how you don't see this.
2012-04-16 20:57:25