Yes this seems to be the preffered FC spot for the RMT brigade. At this point I don't really give two shakes if people pay these clowns for exp. Gil is easy to come by, and I bet they almost make up of it in curor to pay for the party.
Look, if you're such a peasant that you can't afford to pay someone to do the ***that's already been done multiple times before by most of us who leech our jobs (among other perks, like being able to do things that matter) then that's your problem, not ours.
Hate to bust your bubble but getting hate and kiting the Cactaur NM around the pond takes all of 15 seconds to deaggro it. Also as long as cleaver is pulling constanly even leaching from 30 will bring profit in cruor if you stay there more than an hour or two. Lastly isn't always RMT doing it I did it after a break at those mandies to regear myself and friends funded relic's there.
"taken from my iphone... found it full of fail by flux 6, in aby altep" They do this on Cerberus too huh, Kali? This is a damn shame. Lol Lazy *** that can't do anything for themselves. Also, I totally agree with you, Kaliannan.
Maybe some people don't buy gil to spend up to 800k to leech for 8+ hours? not everyone is a cheating piece of ***that supports RMT or are RMT, yes a very small minority but some still play the game normally. And in come the flames of "lol ur mad, ur a gimp real ppl leech jobs parties are for gimps GoV only till 30 n00b." and of course BG will go "LOL GIMP GTFO"