"Jerk... Made me lose sleep and attend the event or else I lose my pearlsack... Corrupt tyrannical pecker head. Sharted myself a few times during these runs from lack of bathroom breaks... But.. I guess "For the good of the LS" he needed his marrows..."
"I don't really agree with the way you run things... Gratz and all on your damn 99 relic...I think its BS that I have to stay up and build your damn relic at 3am and I got to be up by 7am for work.... My kid was crying and needed me but you threaten to try "de-sack" me. We need to make a change bro...."
"No one is allowed to AFK during our events unless we're on a designated break time. I don't like fake kids messing with our runs. Hell I don't even like real kids. I don't like the elderly either."
Profit LS would like to thank everyone for participating in our social experiment. We wanted to see how far apart we could get our scores...the official was Bob +15 and mine @ -16 so 31 points difference. Thank you.