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Ovni solo on NIN/DNC with no blue.
スコア: 1.74
Votes: 34
種類 Player » Melari
タグ Bullwhip Belt Ovni
Date Submitted 2011-08-27 21:36:33
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コメント (6)
Quetzalcoatl.Dova[Report] スコア: 32
You tossed tsurara for.............shaolin belt
2011-08-28 02:41:53
Cerberus.Wolfshadow[Report] スコア: 2
Ovni's been soloable by full aurore dncs, nins, hell probably any job with a high enough evasion rating for lord knows how long. Items are quite capable of dropping without blue. Go solo indrik, he's at least a challenge.
2011-08-28 02:40:40
Cerberus.Mystina[Report] スコア: -2
Hello, welcome to abyssea. How was your 1st ovni?

... ... ...it is your 1st ovni, ever. right?
2011-08-28 09:15:32
Cerberus.Mrkitty[Report] スコア: -2
@ Unalteredbeast yea thes guyz r so jelly, it taeks alliances to take down ovni, and they jus mad sum1 wus abel to solo it n they kant


Go back to your linkshell event: 1st Abyssea Zone Boss kill and shut up
2011-08-28 22:11:30
Valefor.Rancor[Report] スコア: -3
OMG OLD FFXI DROP RATES OMG! Proc system = kill solo play ftw?
2011-08-28 04:41:49
Ragnarok.Unalteredbeast[Report] スコア: -3
so much hate for something i bet these haters can't do... so they *** and troll.
2011-08-28 19:57:49