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スコア: 2.19
Votes: 36
種類 Player » Zeroz
Date Submitted 2011-08-11 23:40:09
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コメント (7)
Bahamut.Angelos[Report] スコア: 28
I'm not sure you have enough people to effectivly kill this NM.
2011-08-12 00:58:16
Siren.Thoraeon[Report] スコア: 17
Hope you don't get the Mimic!
2011-08-12 07:28:05
Asura.Zeroz[Report] スコア: 1
lmao funny stuff right there it was fun of course ppl wanted to join it these things are laughable to beat. PLD, because some of us miss its old uses out side of aby so we play where we can.
2011-08-13 03:20:30
Asura.Hit[Report] スコア: 1
Haters gonna hate, That was a fun day ^^
2011-08-13 10:58:00
Sylph.Yajirobe[Report] スコア: 0
DAMNIT. Who typed a question mark on the teleprompter?!
2011-11-02 11:18:25
Odin.Juxtaposition[Report] スコア: -4
Did they turn AV into a BC or something?
2011-08-13 15:40:55
Bahamut.Zorander[Report] スコア: -5
2 Pld and a Weskit Blm..[All right!]
2011-08-13 10:43:59