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i love triobox team croft ^^
スコア: 4.47
Votes: 55
種類 Player » Ladycroft
Date Submitted 2011-08-04 13:13:51
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コメント (25)
Lakshmi.Malitia[Report] スコア: 40
You know with all that stuff you have there, you could of just bought a good computer that can ALT+TAB between 2-3 accounts...
Also, clean ure fishtank. Poor thing
2011-08-04 21:44:48
Leviathan.Kajii[Report] スコア: 32
Forever Alone
2011-08-04 22:52:07
Ragnarok.Sekundes[Report] スコア: 13
An airship! Perhaps Jeuno's airship company won't go under after all.
2011-08-04 21:45:24
Ragnarok.Tuvae[Report] スコア: 9
All those characters... and she still doesnt turn up to events...
2011-08-05 02:47:23
Valefor.Rancor[Report] スコア: 8
is this like having imaginary friends? O.O
2011-08-05 05:09:24
Asura.Daleterrence[Report] スコア: 3
Those cables are a tripping hazard.
2011-08-05 02:44:10
Odin.Piplup[Report] スコア: 1
Smoking is a really bad habit, you should look into quitting.
2011-08-05 13:58:46
Lakshmi.Azrial[Report] スコア: 0
Look at the cords all over the place! Way to quad-box your electric bill too.
2011-08-04 23:34:51
Odin.Juxtaposition[Report] スコア: 0
Who needs friends when you have pocket WHMs and pocket NINs.
2011-08-05 08:03:25
Asura.Tot[Report] スコア: 0
my OCD just raged quit
2011-08-05 12:03:54