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Tag teamed a couple of AV's with Bob and the boys. Very happy with the drops.
スコア: 3.33
Votes: 33
種類 Player » Yathatguy
タグ Yathatguy ProfitLS EternalCalm AbsoluteVirtue
Date Submitted 2011-07-13 01:08:21
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コメント (8)
Ragnarok.Yathatguy 表示 スコア: -10
@ Grantlogan, I don't think so. That was a shot in the dark. I've had offers of 3~4 mil so far so will probably settle for that since it's merely a trophy item anyways.
2011-07-13 16:36:18
Ragnarok.Lugat 表示 スコア: -11
Yeah draylo thats what they sold for already from the most part and Epic fun time :D
2011-07-13 14:11:41
Ragnarok.Tingil 表示 スコア: -13
***was fun.
2011-07-13 11:50:51
Ragnarok.Bobdeezz 表示 スコア: -13
This was a good Run!
Had fun.
2011-07-13 12:07:22
Ragnarok.Romanova 表示 スコア: -13
Had a blast! :)
2011-07-13 13:34:21
Asura.Karbuncle 表示 スコア: -13
I gave this a 10 because your THF isn't full-timing TH gear like EVERY OTHER DUMBSHIT LINKSHELL'S THF.

2011-07-14 01:05:54
Ragnarok.Kimara 表示 スコア: -14
sooo much fun <3
2011-07-13 12:10:11
Bismarck.Helel 表示 スコア: -17
Man, I had fun and I wasn't even there. 30 second zergs are a blast...
2011-07-13 14:10:45