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Birthday pic. I don't even know how I arrived at this idea.
スコア: 6.75
Votes: 64
種類 Player » Bossmaru
タグ bossmaru minimaru birthday tarutaru burger king
Date Submitted 2011-06-26 11:45:43
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コメント (7)
Leviathan.Matteh[Report] スコア: 6
its the Opo-Opo Crown!
2011-06-26 16:42:20
Quetzalcoatl.Loretta[Report] スコア: 0
D= nothing wrong with a mac&cheese quesadilla they are the bomb ghetto food :P, try a pb tortilla wrap they are good XD
2011-07-22 23:11:18
Shiva.Cybermario[Report] スコア: -1
nicely done, cool fanart.
2011-06-27 22:19:28
Leviathan.Quetzacoatl 表示 スコア: -10
LOL, this amused me greatly. Happy Birthday!
2011-06-26 18:09:22
Leviathan.Dreamx 表示 スコア: -11
Your art as always is fantastic, Happy birthday, late or not, Bossmaru!
2011-06-26 12:57:20
Bismarck.Dierdreh 表示 スコア: -11
Happy Birthday! But seriously.....A cake burger? That's just as bad as Friendly's Mac n' Cheese Quesadilla. xD
2011-06-26 13:43:53
Cerberus.Wolfshadow 表示 スコア: -11
Happy birthday!~
2011-06-26 13:46:04