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sailor moon axe
スコア: 6.82
Votes: 49
種類 Item » Tonatiuh Axe
Date Submitted 2011-06-04 11:24:01
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コメント (7)
Cerberus.Salira[Report] スコア: 12
that's sailor cosmos.. >.>
2011-06-04 16:42:18
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] スコア: 5
@ Maruraba

Pokemon pic? >.>
2011-06-04 18:48:22
Bahamut.Mizuharu[Report] スコア: 4
Fighting evil by moonlight!
Winning love by daylight!
Never running from a real fight;
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She will never turn her back on a friend!
She is always there to defend!
She is the one on whom we can depend;
She is the one named Sailor.....
Sailor Venus!
.... Sailor Mercury!
.... Sailor Mars!
..... Sailor Jupiter!

With secret powers all so new to her;
She is the one named Sailor Moon!

Fighting evil by moonlight!
Winning love by daylight!
With her Sailor Scouts to help fight;
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She is the one named Sailor Moon!
She is the one . . . Sailor Moon!
2011-06-05 22:53:08
Sylph.Chrisstreb[Report] スコア: 1
wonder if they did this to give someone a reason to go after the Luna Subligar...
2012-03-01 20:50:09
Bismarck.Pimpjuice[Report] スコア: -2
2011-06-05 01:54:00
Odin.Juxtaposition 表示 スコア: -10
which pokemon game is this from
2011-06-22 12:57:09
Sylph.Maruraba 表示 スコア: -19
Hey, nice pokemon pic! :D
2011-06-04 17:32:42