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Taste the Rainbow
スコア: 5.13
Votes: 31
種類 Item » Lightning Lamp
タグ Lightning Lamp
Date Submitted 2011-05-08 12:41:03
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コメント (4)
Quetzalcoatl.Soube[Report] スコア: 2
Neat, you have em all lined up in order of a vanadiel week...

I spend entirely too much time on Summoner. ;_;
2011-05-08 22:35:50
Phoenix.Vael[Report] スコア: 2
Arrange them in elemental weakness circle with light and dark in the middle >|
2011-05-09 08:10:06
Odin.Liela[Report] スコア: 1
/jealous! I've been camping the AH for a wind lamp for ages and there's never any on. Two sold on my server, ever, a gajillion years ago. Time to buck up, buy the mats, and find a goldsmither!
2011-05-08 12:56:04
Cerberus.Savannah[Report] スコア: -4
Same pic spammed for each lamp....you couldn't have spread them out over time or anything. . .(w.-)
2011-05-09 06:24:24