why do people always assume that people get the GS and GK in like 1 day with 18 people and it takes 5 hours to get?
you know, cram it. It took me about a month to get my GS, just got 85 yesterday and I duo'ed 90% of it. Also seriously everything in FFXI is 'easy' if you have the right set up.
Barieus and Sobek are a F'ing joke to do, way easier then a Carabosse. Where are the people complaining there? Jealous little trolls.
You notice how about 90% of the people who bash Empyreans don't have one of their own? Congrats Gifted on the Masamune, good luck on getting the level 90 version soon! Nice achievement!
Thanks people who arnt D-Bags
and @Gradd SOON!!! maybe!
+Go look at all of the Emp. Weapons there are only 382 Masamunes... look at the rest there are just as many of most of the others so if its oh so easy why arnt there more everyone has SAM...