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Redid my manteel/seraweels collection for HF in prep to port it. Just my take on the common edits for the sets (bust increase and cutout leggings). Credit for the original Nashira from MMO XOOPS by Netahito. All other textures excepting the Redingote top are by me from SE's original. Included Aphmau's two sets as well as a recolor to replace the addon mage armor. Now that this is complete, I will soon be tackling porting to both Mithra and Elvaan... we shall see :z Will be available for download on neko sentai and http://ffxidats.caarrie.org/
スコア: 6.50
Votes: 22
種類 Player » Lilywolf
タグ hume female dat mods manteel seraweels Yigit Sha'ir Nashira Redingote Aphmau etc etc
Date Submitted 2011-03-09 21:30:24
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コメント (8)
Cerberus.Ustav[Report] スコア: 3
Port to elvaan male prz <3
2011-03-11 14:26:26
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] スコア: 0
*** channel mana, lern2magicks.
2011-03-10 13:34:31
Asura.Shiroineko 表示 スコア: -12

Mithra Mithra Mithra Mithra Mithra /o/
2011-03-10 13:43:11
Unicorn.Tessy 表示 スコア: -12
This is awsomeness, great work. Looking foward to see the rest of your work! :)
2011-03-11 04:15:43
Siren.Stunx 表示 スコア: -13
i like how most of em have easy access. I see no other reasonable excuse for those openings to be there :p
2011-03-11 00:47:38
Siren.Chloris 表示 スコア: -13
Awww Cute!!!
2011-03-10 13:03:29
Diabolos.Lilywolf 表示 スコア: -13
Working on the mithra port now, and it shouldn't be too difficult (crosses fingers) to make it for EF. I spent a lot of time on the mapping and the textures on the humes so I could just port the pieces whole and so far it seems to be working pretty well ^^!
Here is the one I've fixed first, the white Aphmau body (don't mind the horrid lighting, that is just MV and its blinding next-to-the-sun light) http://i416.photobucket.com/albums/pp246/kuteninnocent/Final%20Fantasy/201103101608302.jpg
Shouldn't take too long, have all the stuff I need, just need to put it all together ^^
2011-03-10 18:16:29
Phoenix.Morningbliss 表示 スコア: -15
Can't wait for it to come out on Mithra! (Hopefully) They look great! Awesome work as always <3
2011-03-10 18:16:40