@Rharmony: honestly I abby'd my dnc too :) . anyway I don't really understand what's with people doing stuff like this. surely I wouldn't get on people like what he did in that screenshot.
it's your character you do what you want!
it's not even hurting anyone, and yet he complains.
Pfft glad this guy isn't on my server. I /sam all the *** time (even when I'm bounce tanking versus a nin or thf) and just fan dance when/if I'm in trouble. What a loser. There's nothing wrong with being able to get MORE TP out of a subjob. Besides /nin is a wallet sinker. (*** 100k for a stack of shihei toolbags...) >.>;
x.x I haven't subbed /nin on DNC for awhile unless I'm tanking hmm since when do you not get anything from /sam...meditate, sekkaoki, Store TP is awesome for dnc. /nin all you get is...uh...hmm...oh right shadows which if you are a good dnc you shouldn't be getting hit anyways...Fail is fail=/