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I haven't tried to draw really for like 5 yrs, lined paper and pencil crayons ftl! I'm no Picasso 3:
スコア: 8.05
Votes: 38
種類 Player » Kaiye
タグ Ewww, Baby, Lined Paper, Kweh!, I suck at drawing, Lulz
Date Submitted 2011-02-16 14:32:12
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コメント (9)
Caitsith.Heimdall[Report] スコア: 8
sad chocobo is sad ; ;
2011-02-16 19:00:43
Pandemonium.Alexanderofodin[Report] スコア: 5
Kaiye's a jerk make him happy at least :/
2011-02-16 19:11:40
Fenrir.Cassey[Report] スコア: -7
2011-02-16 20:36:27
Alexander.Gib[Report] スコア: -9
He's cute as hell, but I feel bad cause he looks sad ; ;
2011-02-16 22:30:42
Quetzalcoatl.Soube[Report] スコア: -9
Oh god it's too cute. *picks up choco chick and huggles*
2011-02-16 22:54:26
Ragnarok.Nekonarf[Report] スコア: -9
I want to pet it.
2011-02-16 23:18:02
Phoenix.Cynric 表示 スコア: -10
Cuuuuute! But it looks like it's either hungry or...like it can't find the remote :P
2011-02-23 21:18:35
Lakshmi.Kaiye 表示 スコア: -10
Ugh! I don't know why he came out like that! Babies are suppose to be cute and happy ;; /fail
2011-02-16 22:42:44
Lakshmi.Blacklion 表示 スコア: -12
He's sad You wont ride him!
2011-02-16 21:15:11