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Doesn't mean what it used to but old goals are still nice to knock out.
スコア: 8.57
Votes: 21
種類 Item » Dls. Chapeau +1
タグ Turkish
Date Submitted 2011-01-10 10:12:44
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コメント (5)
Cerberus.Wolfshadow[Report] スコア: 12
See that one white pixel on the upper left area of the empty space around the hat? you enjoy that now
2011-01-10 15:57:25
Phoenix.Dabackpack[Report] スコア: 2
Nice gil
2011-01-10 13:52:58
Lakshmi.Kittykite[Report] スコア: 0
grats :D I got mine too >.> but I have less gil than you now D:
2011-01-10 14:20:29
Lakshmi.Turkish[Report] スコア: 0
woot grats to both of us Kit funny thing is our dyna ls never lets us come RDM lmao
2011-01-10 15:19:12
Ragnarok.Afania[Report] スコア: -2
Did you get that number of gil on purpose just to take a SS? :p
2011-01-10 19:27:45