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スコア: 4.59
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種類 Player » Hannah
Date Submitted 2010-12-25 04:16:56
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コメント (6)
Cerberus.Katsukora[Report] スコア: 9
Abyssea damage: mind blowing. Also impossible anywhere else. Impressed? Not really, >_>
2010-12-25 22:33:27
Lakshmi.Vlorsutes[Report] スコア: 5
Who says they didn't proc blue? For all we know they could have just had all the accessories (belt, cape, etc), thus preventing them from dropping again. That'd mean that only the rare stuff could drop (helm, mail, etc), and in this case it just didn't.

My group proc'd blue at one point with TH 9 on it and all we got was scrolls and synth mats, so it's not impossible that the same didn't happen here.
2010-12-26 05:07:16
Bahamut.Hannah[Report] スコア: 0
There was blue proc at start, it's that everyone in static party have belt/torque/cape already.
2010-12-26 09:33:39
Ramuh.Laffter[Report] スコア: -5
Sexy damage.

Terrible drops. :|
2010-12-25 22:26:57
Phoenix.Kirana 表示 スコア: -16
Garbage run because you didn't proc blue. I'm sure it was fun to 1-shot shinryu though.
2010-12-25 23:23:16
Leviathan.Draylo 表示 スコア: -18
how duz u do dat???
2010-12-25 23:25:07