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種類 Player » Darkultima
Date Submitted 2010-12-21 15:45:04
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コメント (3)
Asura.Darkultima[Report] スコア: -1
No matters what, someone will always have something negative to say...
first time it was my gils, then my NQ hauby...
Now that everything is "ok" some still find a way to troll my accomplishment pics...
Get a life >.> <.<

My nin is like 2 weeks old, and i tend to work on things 1 at a time, so yeah ~_~
By 2 weeks old i mean, i started working on its stuff 2 weeks ago.
2010-12-22 11:01:01
Ifrit.Daemun[Report] スコア: -2
@ FFXI in general (not to downgrade your accomplishment Dark)
How sad has this game became where someone has 'worked on a job for two weeks' and it's freaking lvl 90. What happened to the good ol' days where leveling took 4-6mo. and some effort?
2010-12-22 09:02:22
Asura.Jaybezz 表示 スコア: -12
still a nub turban yooooooo 2009 ^^ grats dude ^^
2010-12-22 03:38:14