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スコア: 8.02
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種類 Item » Raise III
タグ Raise III
Date Submitted 2010-12-19 22:44:07
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コメント (6)
Ragnarok.Lagunabel[Report] スコア: 37
God Dasva just shut the *** up.
2010-12-20 06:45:42
Cerberus.Corphish[Report] スコア: 24
Funny how people are interpreting it as the price of R3. When I first glanced at this picture, I saw it as a promotional raise, which made me chuckle.
2010-12-20 10:12:50
Odin.Sinharvest[Report] スコア: 9
That looks like how much people are paying for the scrolls these days.
2010-12-20 00:43:11
Ragnarok.Twinbladehaseo[Report] スコア: 5
The money you could be saving with geico...
2010-12-20 11:10:38
Gilgamesh.Loetke[Report] スコア: 5
It's dangerous to go alone! Take this...
2010-12-23 20:45:08
Bahamut.Dasva 表示 スコア: -59
Yeah cause scroll prices are that expensive nowadays /rolls eyes.

Now 15mil for a R3... that was expensive
2010-12-20 04:06:40