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Bullwhip belt
スコア: 2.33
Votes: 12
種類 Item » Bullwhip Belt
タグ waist
Date Submitted 2010-12-13 14:43:00
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コメント (5)
Cerberus.Kvazz[Report] スコア: 24
Denali bonnet :P
2010-12-13 15:37:14
Lakshmi.Blacklion[Report] スコア: 19
I have just as much haste on my THF, but with a v.belt, wonder why
2010-12-13 15:55:55
Sylph.Kofi[Report] スコア: 5
Af3+2 > Walahra Turban > Denali Bonnet!
2010-12-13 18:12:26
Fenrir.Mankey[Report] スコア: -2
@Warloc You have Askar heads all over your ahin dig too... edit* dude 3 attack and combine that with the AGI for subtle blow, broken game mechanics
2010-12-13 18:11:00
Sylph.Warloc[Report] スコア: -8
@Blacklion meh...i have capped 25% haste so no point in using walmart hat.

ps gotta read that up again, damn "Precise Haste Values" and here i thought i could get rid of walmart >.> lol

Edit: oh wait, better hat for thf than walmart now, "Assassin's Creed" +1 lol
2010-12-13 17:14:52