I use maat's cap for pretty much every BLU physical spell and most RNG weapon skills. I don't see how it's obsolete at all lol... Plus it's free, might as well get it if you can.
Would like to thank everyone that helped me lvl or helped out with stupid little things like Test farming or the weighted Doors in QSC. PS: I play on a 16:9 Monitor, befor you *** about Res.
Good work, people complain about this quest and it's reward because sadly most players refuse to solo a few BC fights and skill up a few jobs. This is the main quest of the game.
gotta love the trolling on this site.
congratulations on cap, and to Kalilla most people dont level all there jobs up because lack of playing time, also, or for the sheer fact that head isnt gonna be the greatest peice forever, not to mention theres better caps out there for most situations.