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Iron Giant(s)
スコア: 8.88
Votes: 593
種類 Player » Ingraham
Date Submitted 2010-10-05 23:44:31
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コメント (13)
Odin.Blazza[Report] スコア: 26
Enable ratings please, I wanna give this an 11.
2010-10-06 00:24:04
Shiva.Sleih[Report] スコア: 11
Win. Absolute win.
2010-10-06 00:18:32
Asura.Xenophire[Report] スコア: 6
You never fail to please, Graham. Keep up the good work!
2010-10-06 00:21:45
Siren.Eremes[Report] スコア: 5
What kind of a name is 'Hogarth' anyway?
2010-11-03 21:20:28
Bismarck.Rinomaru[Report] スコア: 4
Art on ironclad is very nice too!
2010-10-06 00:38:56
Alexander.Odaka[Report] スコア: 4
that's actually pretty damn funny :P
2010-10-06 00:26:16
Asura.Meepy[Report] スコア: 3
I love this! Amazing work!
2010-10-06 01:14:15
Phoenix.Stridentzephon[Report] スコア: 2
That mofo came out of no where and kicked my a@@!
2010-10-18 10:20:12
Cerberus.Kurosen[Report] スコア: 1
REAL Iron Giant: "So I heard you were using my name"
2010-10-06 20:51:02
Alexander.Kolossus[Report] スコア: -2
One of the saddest movies evar.

But a definite rate up on the artwork.
2010-10-08 11:53:37