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スコア: 7.22
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種類 Player » Vonn
Date Submitted 2010-08-19 18:07:58
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コメント (18)
Caitsith.Judaine[Report] スコア: 27
It's Elitists.
2010-08-19 19:38:49
Odin.Dirtyfinger[Report] スコア: 23
This means he only has BST.
2010-08-19 19:32:32
Caitsith.Foliage[Report] スコア: 15
This doesn't show that the abyssea leader is an elitist, it simply shows that there are certain setups that work for getting time/exp chests to pop and others that just completely fail. the guy may have only needed something like two black mages or a pull or an assist to finish the alliance. this doesn't at all show that he's being an elitist. the possibility of you coming in on something useless and just leeching may result in everyone getting booted in a short amount of time.
2010-08-19 20:09:06
Valefor.Payyn[Report] スコア: 6
2010-08-19 20:36:55
Ramuh.Haseyo[Report] スコア: 6
I think this wooshed over Foliage's head, lol. Demotivational posters are pure sarcasm. >.>
2010-08-19 21:32:58
Alexander.Kristinn[Report] スコア: 4
Hahaha, awesome.
2010-08-19 23:33:20
Sylph.Lonoha[Report] スコア: 3
trade him for it
2010-08-19 22:13:57
Leviathan.Draylo[Report] スコア: 3
lol yeah I submitted this SS. This guy a idiot, I just wanted to know his jobs so I could fill alliance to what we needed with few people leaving. He prolly wanted to come PUP or something and was used to people telling him off.
2010-08-19 20:39:12
Siren.Vonn[Report] スコア: 0
>.< damn you're right about the spelling! Anyway, i saw the original ss and just had to do it.
2010-08-20 05:01:58
Ramuh.Thayil[Report] スコア: 0
*** don't know 'bout my drg80/pup36
2010-08-20 09:16:14