Yea, I normally dont comment on these, but i just hit the link & looked at your community profile. Your not even past chapter 5 in CoP and your on "Awakening" in Zilart. Being Rank 6 in Windy & being your only nation .. But Kudo's on finishing all 3 mini-expansions. The guy from Unicorn, called it 100% right. Did you use Photoshop or another program to fake elitness?
Hmm, forgot teal was higher than 75, but my point still stands, anyone in a position to get all that +1 gear (there's well over a hundred million gil in gear in this screenshot) surely should be smart enough to use Maat's Cap over Petasos +1, and can afford a Genie Weskit.
Ok before I get anyone else whining and screaming at me for these, let me say this: THESE ARE NOT REAL. You people who are bitching about it need to realize that these are fake. I made them back in January '10 for entertainment purposes. Why don't all you elitist noobs grow up, move out your mama's basement, and realize that FFXI ≠Life. It's people like you that give normal gamers a bad rep. If you don't have anything polite to say, stfu and stop trolling. It's a lot easier to just click on another picture than to type out your inane babble that no one cares about. That is all.
And Liir, why don't you go back to living on the street corner and selling yourself like you said you were doing while your dad was beating you. You really think people believed you? LOL