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スコア: 8.59
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種類 Player » Darkglory
タグ ffxi screenshot Refresh on hairpin D:
Date Submitted 2010-07-17 02:22:53
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コメント (5)
Titan.Rohauce[Report] スコア: 4
2010-07-17 02:37:39
Asura.Karbuncle[Report] スコア: 3
its from Abyssea-Konschtat.

The Augmented items inside the brown chests get "better" as your Amber Light grows.

Apparently some reports say killshots with magical WS's increase Amber light.

You can also get Amber light from inside Red boxers.

Either way, you'll need one hell of an Amber light to get one of these.
2010-07-17 03:35:45
Shiva.Khimaira[Report] スコア: 2
Orochi is Neck, this is head. And how does this screw RDM over, even IF other jobs get a Refresh head, this means two things.

1) RDM is incapable of using Duelist's Chapeau now. (Sarcasm)
2) This is easy as hell to get and everyone will have one within a week. (Sarcasm)
2010-07-17 14:16:29
Leviathan.Remoraforever[Report] スコア: 0
@Almostunsane<br />
<br />
How exactly does this screw RDM over, this offers any job that uses MP a whole new selection for gear, for example, SMN, Now I'm not going to say it's a good idea to use full time, just maybe idle and swap for BP's marduks, Evoker's Horn (+1 or not).
2010-07-18 01:17:02
Alexander.Almostunsane 表示 スコア: -16
Once again, SE screws RDM over with new content. Epic.

Mind sharing where this was obtained? I'm guessing Abyssea, but that only narrows it to three zones.
2010-07-17 02:37:32