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スコア: 7.81
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種類 Player » Foliage
タグ ffxi screenshot Bye Bye Penitent's Rope I needz Cash :D
Date Submitted 2010-05-03 06:29:26
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コメント (7)
Ramuh.Dasva[Report] スコア: 14
Current gil: Not Much G
2010-05-03 07:22:54
Caitsith.Foliage[Report] スコア: 5
@sedres : I do have Wyvern Earring...in my zerg set. I just happened to switch out of zerg set after uninvited guests and hadn't changed my subjob.

@dooom : lol i use my cerb mantle on my PLD for enmity. i'm not butt hurt about 3 attack on my DDs using it.
2010-05-03 11:08:58
Caitsith.Cyana[Report] スコア: 1
Screw you and your luck with augments!
2010-05-03 12:59:11
Caitsith.Matto[Report] スコア: 0
Mother of god.... where did you get that UI?? I neeeeeeed itttttt!!!
2010-05-20 06:33:49
Phoenix.Dooom[Report] スコア: -9
Don't sell your P-rope, sell your Cerb mantle. That's 650k sitting there that's inferior to other options for both DDing and Enmity. No, I'm not being an ***, I'm trying to give helpful advice.
2010-05-03 10:53:27
Unicorn.Sedres 表示 スコア: -10
/DRG and no wyvern earring? For shame!
2010-05-03 09:17:46
Odin.Joeofalltrades 表示 スコア: -10
i guess only ghey drk can wear a rainbow obi lol
2010-05-03 09:20:02