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スコア: 1.95
Votes: 19
種類 Player » Halexor
タグ random
Date Submitted 2010-04-30 00:52:20
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コメント (9)
Quetzalcoatl.Birdmanonenonly[Report] スコア: 3
judging by all the rolls afterwards, you were sitting there for an hour spamming /random. any idiot could do that. please post again when you get this is a real situation - first try.
2010-04-30 03:37:36
Gilgamesh.Samuraiking[Report] スコア: 3
judging by the text I can assume he is a ***, and lol@ the tell.
2010-04-30 04:03:32
Shiva.Ravager[Report] スコア: 0
You will be Vanquished once he's 75, sleep with one eye open.
2010-04-30 07:43:46
Asura.Luthy[Report] スコア: 0
@Gilgamesh.Halexor - Yea ok. If you're gonna lie about it, atleast crop the windower plug-in at the bottom of the screen & timestamps.
2010-10-18 19:12:04
Quetzalcoatl.Kireime[Report] スコア: -1
Holy crap you rolled a 0 after spamming /random! What are the odds of that? Exactly the same as rolling a 86, 960, or 300. Big whoop.
2010-04-30 03:46:56
Carbuncle.Zanno[Report] スコア: -2
real deal:

2010-04-30 09:00:53
Odin.Joeofalltrades[Report] スコア: -2
ill remember this when im lvl 75 ill hunt you down u'll pay
2010-04-30 06:38:07
Gilgamesh.Halexor[Report] スコア: -3
LOL 3rd party tool to screen shot? i used FRAPS, and im 99% sure thats not counted as a 3rd party tool cause it dosent alter anything in the game and i know alot of games that if you need to submit a screen shot to report somone hacking they SUGGEST using fraps to take the screen shot
2010-04-30 12:56:13
Bahamut.Alukat 表示 スコア: -13
using 3rd party tool at screenshot , fail ^^
2010-04-30 04:04:48