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スコア: 4.81
Votes: 59
種類 Player » Mikeyc
タグ self photo Mikeyc
Date Submitted 2010-04-03 19:33:52
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コメント (10)
Odin.Zicdeh[Report] スコア: 3
I thought 80% of girls agreed that over-gelled hair was a turn off? I've been lied to, by a commercial no less!
2010-04-04 07:21:57
Lakshmi.Feifongwong[Report] スコア: 3
hes gay, cool your vaginas ladies...
2010-04-18 04:55:33
Cerberus.Ustav[Report] スコア: 2
Dear god you're cute as fk. I would love to see a pix of the trolls posting negative comments lol ugly fks.
2010-04-04 03:31:19
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] スコア: 0
His hair is awesome, unlike your jealous comments lolfinalkill.
2010-04-04 03:16:29
Cerberus.Superman[Report] スコア: -2
thats not a wifebeater.
2010-04-03 23:50:48
Titan.Marzbarz[Report] スコア: -2
Looks like Bradley Cooper :o
2010-04-04 08:39:23
Lakshmi.Raerie[Report] スコア: -3
I think he looks fine. Then again, I think Seth Green is cute...
2010-04-03 22:59:53
Asura.Lilbuttons[Report] スコア: -4
Reminds me of the nerdy guy from Without a Paddle.

EDIT: Seth Green!
2010-04-03 21:46:12
Siren.Eagleeyes[Report] スコア: -5
implying having a picture taken while you are smoking means you're trying to look cool. <_<

nice pic bro
2010-04-03 23:56:24
Ramuh.Sekundes 表示 スコア: -11
Smokin' Hot :D
2010-04-04 02:05:52