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スコア: 7.27
Votes: 26
種類 Player » Laitha
タグ self photo Annihilator obtained
Date Submitted 2010-04-01 22:11:32
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コメント (5)
Ramuh.Mizuharu[Report] スコア: 10
He has so much gil, he got a little too happy when he saw it... Grats on Annihilator
2010-04-02 09:30:16
Cerberus.Kvazz[Report] スコア: 6
sexy! Now you just gotta augment it D:
2010-04-01 23:36:39
Carbuncle.Laitha[Report] スコア: 4
Thank you guys i couldn't do this without the community on carbuncle. I mean i remember when I was doing dynamis back with shokox years ago hen i first started this quest. I just hope I can be that much better now to help my friends achive their goals quicker.
2010-04-02 05:44:51
Carbuncle.Divinite[Report] スコア: 3
Grats on your shiny!
2010-04-02 11:16:08
Carbuncle.Shokox[Report] スコア: 3
Woot congratulations bro!!! Long time coming on that :)

Really awesome when deserving people hit that relic/mythic milestone.
2010-04-01 22:47:26