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スコア: 7.63
Votes: 8
種類 Player » Kuwoobie
タグ iizerg guy
Date Submitted 2010-02-27 22:27:59
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コメント (5)
Sylph.Kuwoobie[Report] スコア: 4
We let this guy "Leechyxx" go first with his orb. He was either really paranoid we were going to take his drops or he was planning on screwing us. Well, he used his orb and bailed. The way he acted towards us made me want to kick him before all of that, but I was patient with him, and this is what I got. What a piece of ***.
2010-02-27 23:09:21
Remora.Willoflame[Report] スコア: 2
Unfortunately, people are so self-concsious about this game that you can't get things like this done with people you don't know.
2010-02-27 23:29:44
Phoenix.Elfboy[Report] スコア: 1
looks to be one of the haze leaders that server hopped. poor sylph peoples, /comfort
2010-02-28 01:36:32
Caitsith.Lerond[Report] スコア: 0
I remember a while ago me and a friend shouted for a 6 man bcnm, we were all selling items seperately then putting the money together, well my friends were taking a long time to sell and this 1 guy was freaking out lol same idea as here.

Watch your swearing towards ppl it can get ya banned then they win :p.
2010-02-28 03:17:08
Siren.Thetick[Report] スコア: -1
2010-04-17 13:26:12