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種類 Item » Fay Gendawa
タグ ffxi screenshot Fay Gendawa
Date Submitted 2010-02-27 18:35:59
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コメント (3)
Hades.Rivian[Report] スコア: 1
4th augment in Grauberg, Done a lot of testing with this Vs. Selene's on Robber crabs during new moon (Selene max R.att)
And while this does ~25-30Dmg less per shot. My 'Winders are way more consistent and anywhere from 50-250 more DMG from this augment.
2010-02-27 18:53:56
Fenrir.Shambo[Report] スコア: -6
Hades.Rivian If you don't sub sam you don't have to waste much arrows to get to ws with sidewinder.

I guess this is one of those weapons that w/e suits your preference.
2010-02-27 22:21:31
Ramuh.Haseyo 表示 スコア: -12
SE: "Grats but we made a new Lv87 weapon that's 50x better lol but grats anyway lolol."
2010-02-28 11:11:52