Destroyers? Overrated? Really? They parse alongside a RELIC WEAPON that will cost no less than 150M and years of effort to get, and THAT is overrated?
Yes, there are better weapons. Faith Baghnakhs > Shenlong's Baghnakhs > Destroyers. But Faith Baghnakhs are improbable in most situations due to burning Virtue stones so fast. And good luck with Shenlong's Baghnakhs.
To top it all off, Destroyers are free. Only people that don't have them will say that there are more logical options.
They easily beat destroyers, only if acc is uncapped outside focus though. Also comparing a wpn to destroyer is stupid because plenty of H2H beat it.
Faith > Hades sainti+1 > those > destroyers in the above situation. Sadly the -delay% is not the best part of the oberon's sainti. If you want a solid weapon, you absolutely need 2 or 3 DMG.