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スコア: 2.16
Votes: 19
種類 Player » Faelivrin
タグ ffxi screenshot
Date Submitted 2010-01-31 12:10:58
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コメント (5)
Bahamut.Leonelf[Report] スコア: 9
woah for a moment i thought it was Vigor's SS lol
2010-01-31 12:56:17
Bahamut.Raenryong[Report] スコア: 2
I will break your body and sear it to ash, scattered by the wind--never again will you return to the earth of Vana'diel!

Such a badass quote, shame chainstunning makes this fight such a joke.
2010-01-31 16:11:35
Ramuh.Sagittario[Report] スコア: 1
Yeh judging by the writing it does look like Vigor.
2010-01-31 16:25:00
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] スコア: 1
That's a pretty fun fight, when you actually fight it out, and not zerg. Well, zerging is fun too. :P
2010-01-31 19:48:38
Unicorn.Kussese[Report] スコア: 0
Is that guy's name at the top Dammit or am I just blind?
2010-01-31 16:44:59