Ebur (White) Is where the good augments come in. it allows you to select both Vs. Family: Attack and Accuracy.
However, as far as birds go the highest i've seen is attack+8 and Accuracy+4, so this armor would in sense have
STR+4 DEX+3 Acc+4 Attack+14 Double Attack+2% when fighting birds... however, still not incredibly impressive by any standards.
However some of the armor DOES have its uses, the RNG body, the THF Hands (Subtle blow +8 for those who realize a good set)... theres quite a few pieces that have their situation, but overall the bodies are mostly useless.
However, theres still a few unused shapes, which means Evolith is incomplete, some day we may see a nice Vs Family: Haste+ or Delay-% Augment, or STR/DEX/Etc+ that could make it relatively worthwhile.