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スコア: 5.43
Votes: 14
種類 Player » Johnnytay
タグ RMT
Date Submitted 2009-09-11 20:27:19
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コメント (8)
Valefor.Anodrac[Report] スコア: 5
I hate when unusual debarkation happens. I think you need some antibiotics for that. o.o'
2009-09-11 23:47:55
Caitsith.Zabimaru[Report] スコア: 2
Lol the RMT have gone from fishing to phishing, they must be really desperate. They should probably work on their "engrish" some more if they truly want to have a shot at duping anyone. I think debarkation is like the process of disembarking from a ship or something.
2009-09-12 03:30:24
Pandemonium.Rathz[Report] スコア: 2
Should go to that site before they shutdown your account.
2009-09-11 23:03:17
Siren.Endrew[Report] スコア: 2
seems legit, no reason not to trust him, otherwise you can't play the game normally...
2009-09-12 00:10:40
Cerberus.Sifridus[Report] スコア: 1
I suffered a Debarkation once, I had to buy a whole new computer and move to a new country. It's serious...
2009-09-12 01:56:22
Bismarck.Ikuni[Report] スコア: 1
wtf is debarkation
2009-09-12 02:19:05
Hades.Hiryo[Report] スコア: 1
He put his name in caps, i mean c'mon it must be real!
2009-09-12 05:15:42
Unicorn.Excesspain[Report] スコア: 1
de·bark (d-bärk)
v. de·barked, de·bark·ing, de·barks
To unload, as from a ship or an airplane.

i got the same thing and was like "WTF? Is that a word?" So I googled it.
2009-09-12 11:30:02