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スコア: 6.78
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種類 Player » Samwytch
Date Submitted 2009-08-24 11:48:11
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コメント (8)
Shiva.Ragnell[Report] スコア: 12
Broken weapon
2009-08-24 12:14:23
Asura.Xed[Report] スコア: 10
Holyfuckcakes. D=
2009-08-24 11:57:09
Ragnarok.Samwytch[Report] スコア: 4
I only reposted this same augment is because people were complaining, saying it was fake, because -I- had SAM only to 37 (lol), or because I just cut the picture for the weapon, well here it is on this Samurai.
2009-08-24 19:41:15
Cerberus.Phyrefly[Report] スコア: 2
To the negative comments: Jealous much?
2009-08-24 14:53:08
Seraph.Greyfin[Report] スコア: -2
Those are poor gear choices. There are better things for the same or lesser price.
2009-08-24 14:59:24
Fenrir.Dramanue[Report] スコア: -4
Mayhaps, everyone needs to have a start when it comes to "eliting" their equipment.
2009-08-24 12:38:43
Caitsith.Pibian 表示 スコア: -10
Such an awesome Hagun on such a shitty geared SAM...
2009-08-24 12:25:17
Asura.Pwnerer 表示 スコア: -18
its always the same gimp ppl get nice augments good geard ppl can toss item after augmenting
2009-08-24 12:39:51