@Hete, yeah but if you change gear half as much as I do, a lot of your melee hits won't show an animation and won't show up in the chat-log until after you need to use head-butt. Stun from weapons can be great, but due to the randomness it can be very unreliable. Especially if you use head butt straight after a stun procs with your sword.
So can anyone with this tell me, have you had any issues with it?
i actually have macros for most spells, i even have a headbutt macro. and yea ur right bout not getting tha animation. but if u solo often u kinda get a timing thing going on when ur soloing. and i did have stun+8 3dmg and acc idr how much it was but in general i never had a problem wit them. on imps i prolly got 1stun every other mob or so and i took time off to try it out for like a week and a half till i got better sword 4dmg 4acc/macc and 3dmg 4acc/macc in off hand super lucky on 3rd sword. (4dmg sword was 3rd weapon i traded and got it on 4th or 5th try), but either way u see i think bout it, i dont see how u can be caught wit ur pants down. tha low proc rate aint ganna be a big notice. i mean whats tha odds u ganna be in a bind and it saves ur life. not often if u already a decent soloer, its not like it procs more when u in tha red. i look at it as if its not even an aug on tha weapon. if it hits cool if not ok i still got reg stun, and if it lands in tha rare event im swaping m
First off, Nice damage and acc on the Augment. Second off, I agree with Blazza. Once you start using equip macros that change your appearance, that Stun Augment could throw you timing off, and you may get caught with your pants down. You'll see this once you start using macros like...
/equip head "Brain" Hete. Hehehe